Simple SFTP based blogging
So after much deliberation and procastination, I have decided that I will keep things simple, very simple infact. I won't be using any blogging engine. I will dump files to an SFTP server, and a daemon will take it from there. It will only create static files that will be served via NGINX.
Lately I have really been thinking about lo-fi homebrew software, and how only simplicity keeps them usable (note to self: write a post about this). I don't neccessarily need something complicated that has a database or marketing & tracking support, if I really want to just show off a few videos and photos, there is really no reason for me to go run an entire database. The only reason I would use a blogging engine with email support is if I had to send emails, but maybe I have other ways to solve that. And in the end, I should still be able to render those files on the webpage, even when the rest of the chain is broken. Static files are forever and readable. And theoretically as long as JPEG and HTML is supported, the website should work.
And also, it's quite a bit of fun to work with files!
I will have a program that will watch filesystem changes, and create files with extra metadata which will then be rendered with eleventy.