Some semblance of a clock
So I managed to integrate all sorts of interrupts and make the clock somewhat behave like a clock. One dial for hour, one dial for minutes. When set via UART, it does keep time from that point on.
I haven't decided how to display the hours yet. Initially my thought was to just display the hour exactly, but it looks odd. For example, 11:55 should really have the hour dial touching 12, but that's not the case in this setup. Initially, I wanted to reflect the digital-ness of the clock, but I am not sure if I want that anymore. And since the 2048 steps / rev of the motor doesn't exactly correspond to integer points of a clock, I would have to do some hackery anyway, so maybe I'll fix it when I get to that problem. But everything's running based on iterrupts so the general firmware is rather complete.
The dial transition from 59-00 or 11-12 is broken, the dials rotates counterclockwise to get there, that needs to be fixed. Tomorrow perhaps.